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Me? Just Ordinary Girl From Ordinary Life. My friends often call me Alfie.. Fie.. or Hee. .

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Koreanisme Addict ! K-Drama ! K-Music ! Espcially Rain.. Bi.. JUng Ji Hoon XD. But Can't ignore Bigbang, 2PM, Wondergirls, Epik High, 2NE1, Shinee !! Proud to be Cloud, VIP and HoTTest!! And Now Minozz too kwkwkw!!.

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Mei-chan no shitsuji

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wekkekeke..jarang2 ane ngepost tentang hal2 yg berbau Jepang kek Dorama, J-artis maupun J-musicnya! Secaa gw lebih condong berbelok jauh ke Koreanisme kwkwkw. Bukannya ga bagus or ga suka juga. Tp emang dasar otak gw aja yg lebih gampang menyerap hal2 koreanisme daripada jepang itu sndri wkkwkw. Entah mengapa!! Dari mulai co2, dramanya, musiknya gw jauh lebih suka korea hoho.Mo dicekokin kek apapun tgt jepang ttp aja ga mempan hahahaha..

Tp someday..kala ituu.. *joh kek ngedongeng. YAh pokoknya waktu trnyata adek gw crta ke guru les privatnya, klo gw suka korea, sedangnkan si guru (ce lho) suka dorama buangett!! Stleh cukup heboh ngobrol, akhirnya tukeran film/series lah. Yah gw ga enak jg coz gw jg sbnrnya ga update2 bgt beli K-drama, lebih ke K-movies and K-musicnya. Si teteh itu minjemin 2 series. 1st Mei'chan no shitsuji! And yang ke-2 gokusen 1.

And Guess whattt !!

Sumpaaaaaaaaahhh kocak bgt neh series Mei-chan. Tipikalnya c kek hanakimi. Tapi lmnyn yah sukses bikin ngocok perut ! Intinya neh series, bercerita tentang Mei yg berasal dari keluarga sederhana yg punya resto udon. Setelah ortunya meninggal, dia baru tau klo ayahnya itu pewaris keluarga paling kaya di Jepang and ayahnya memang sengaja pergi dari kehidupan mewahnya untuk mencari jalannya sendiri. And si Mei skrg otomts jd calon pewaris juga dan harus masuk sekolah elit St Lucia untuk dididik jadi seorang lady. Lucunya di sekolah yg khusus ce itu, tiap siswa punya 1 pelayan cowo pribadi. GOkil ga tuh ! Jadi si pelayan itu yg ngurusin semua kebutuhan majikannya ! A ampe Z!!

NAh si Mei ini lucky bgt coz dia dapet pelayan yg paling bagus (S Buttler Rank), paling keren lah and pastinya terkenal pula di kalangan pelayan and majikannya, Awalnya ce2 ini ngira pasti ce yg dilayani si Rihito (pelayan ngetop ini), pastinya cantik bgt, anggun, pintr dll. Eh taunya beda bgt wkwkkwk !!

YAh mulanya si Mei dari nolak ampe sempet nyerah bersekolah di St Lucia. Soalnya dia jadi bulan2an ce2 disitu. Deuh sirik ajeee !! Yg sadis tuh dari grup2 ce ga penting di peringkat "SOL" and tokoh jahatnya beserta buttlernya, Lucia and Shinobu.

Upsss dah kebanykan nulis. Entr jadi spoiler and ga rame lagi wkwkkw. YAh pokoknya tonton aje sndri ! Rame and Kocak buangeett ! apalgi liat tingkah2 ga penting tp kompak si majikan dan pelayannya kwkwkw. And ga hanya itu doank, neh series jg pny message yg disampein yaitu adanya saling percaya dan menghargai sesama manusia khususnya klo disini antara Majikan dan buttlernya !! So Hurry Up watch this series!! GA panjang kok, Cm 10 eps ! Khas Dorama bgt yg epsnya pendek2 tp isinya padat dan jelas ^^. Mskpn co2 disini bukan tipikal ane semua (alias cantik2), tp jujur gw suka karakter Aoyama dan Kiba (dua2ya pelyan). And aktor Mizushima Hiro yg maenin Rihito, si pelayan no.1 ini tmpk sweet bgt and tulus,care and tulus banget ma Mei, majikannya !! Ahh jd sirik ane huhuhu ! Tp Yg jelas sayang untuk dilewatkan hohoho !

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Fie Sang-hee ^^ signed off @ 2:05 PM


OMG!! OMG !! Akhirnya neh MV keluar juga XD !! Syalala suenangnya hatiku ditengah kegundahan revisi hohoho. *tp ttp aja ide ga kluar2 huks2. Sumpeeehh Jiyongnya shinning bgt disini *halah*. Jiyong saranghae!! :-x :-x 

Sbrnya ini lagu dah ada di stand up, 3rd mini album Koreannya and di Number 1, 1st japanese albumnya Bigbang. Tapi teuteup aja ga bosen2 ngeliat tampang2 neh orang2 wkekekkee.. Apalgi Jiyongnya sering bgt muncul fufufu as the model MV juga ;)). TP ga gtu demen pas rmbutnya diurai and dibete pula T__T. Tidakkk !!

Here's the video !!

credit : YGEntertainment@YT

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Fie Sang-hee ^^ signed off @ 1:01 PM

2PM's English Interview XD

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wekkekek pasti pada heran klo liat updatean blog gw akhir2 ini yg berujung pada omongan2 kek "katanya mo cuti koreanisme tp kok ttp update" or klo ga "katanya sibuk revisi kok msh sempet2nya OL dan ngeblog pula". HEhehe gw hanya bisa menjawab dengan cengiran lebar. Yah maklum ga bisa sepenuhnya cuti huhuhu. Harus pelan-pelan! *hayah bilang aje kagak niat kwkwkw*. Padahal waktu dah mepet sedangkan revisi jg menumpuk. Mana ga dapet2 ide pula muhuhu. Alhasil pelarian lah ke dunia maya kembali ! Huhu godaan memang berat u/ ditepis !! *iyee..iyee ane tau kalo gni kagak akan kelar2 T__T).

Dah ah back to the topic hoho !! *mencoba u/ menghindar dari tatapan2 yg meremehkan dan pertanyaan2 itu2 aja =_=

Td pas buka allkpop.com, ga sngaja nemuin post news tgt mereka. Hahaha ga dipungkiri mata gw langsung berbinar-binar cuma dengan baca judulnya. Trnyata itu ada video english interview mereka di Arirang. Hahahah gw paling demen klo ada english interview coz bisa ngeliat Three musketeer beraksi kwkwkw ! Mereka tidak lain, tidak bukan adalah Taec, Jaebom dan Nickhun XD. Fufufufu ada 2 my fav member. Knp gw pengen bgt ngeliat mrka b3? Coz dari smuanya mrkalah tameng klo ada english interview wakkakaa. Scara mereka b3 lama tinggal di luar hoho. Sisa member yg laen bukannya ga bs, tp emang ga lancar aja.

Kocak aja ngeliat ulah mereka bertujuh. Apalagi pas ekspresi Taec pas ngomongin soal Chansung hahaha. Ga kobe bgt =)) =)). Trus pas mo closing ampe diulang 3x gr2 sang leader salah ngomong terus. Jah ujung2nya Si Taec jg yg closing wkakakka. Parah2x !!

Upss daripada kebanyakan nulis, monggo ditonton sndir videonya hehehe :D

credit : Symbelmyns@ YT

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Fie Sang-hee ^^ signed off @ 12:55 PM


Thursday, May 21, 2009

OMO !! OMO !! OMO !! Pics NAture Republic yg bru dah keluar !!!! And Damn !! Bi is absolutely hot...!!!*kipas2! Speachless dahhhh !! Klo soal the most sexiest male artist/singer, Jung Ji Hoon is right the answer XD !! No Doubt !!! Gileee semakin hari semakin sexy and ganteng aja neh co !! CKckkckck !!! Entahlah apa resepnya !! Yg jelas aura and charismanya itu yg makin untouchable and undeniable XD...

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Fie Sang-hee ^^ signed off @ 9:54 AM


andai saja engkau tahu
resahku karenamu
andai aku dibenakmu
alangkah indah dunia

bila ada satu nama kurindu
slalu sebutkan dirimu

seperti bintang indah matamu
andaikan sinarnya untuk aku
seperti ombak debar jantungku
menanti jawabanmu

(Yovie&Nuno - Seperti Bintang)

Hahaha sebenernya iseng aja post lirik lagu ini gara2 kemarin liat performnya YN di salah satu acara di salah satu Tv swasta (halah blg aja Playlist di SCTV). Tb2 gw remember ma someone hehe. Coz waktu itu dgn bodohnya gw ngasih link lyrics ini ke dia to show how i miss him waktu itu ! Pabo banget ga c? Dia pacar gw jg bukan ! TTM juga kagak! Sahabat? bru kenal bbrp bulan jg c ! Tp emang gw ngarasa nyaman and nyambung ma dia hehe. *pdhl blm prnh ketemu langsung jg. Yah mngkn karena qta seumuran jd cpt bgt nyambung. Plus mungkin karena ane emng dah lama ga dekat ma sapa2, jd yah gtu d!*selanjutnya bs nebak sndri kwkwkw. Tp emng dia c yg cassanova, pandai menaklukan hati ce. *joh jd yg salah gw apa dia c kwkwkw.

Tp jujur, emng kangen jg c gokil2an chat ma dia. Bukan karena rayuan gombal ga pentingnya jg hahaha. Tp ya dia memaang teman yang menyenangkan kok :D. Tp dia lgy sibuk skrip jg and lebih rajin drpd gw huhuhu T__T. *yooshh semangat ga boleh kalah ma dia XD


Fie Sang-hee ^^ signed off @ 6:34 AM

2PM JaeBum shows some 6 packs for Nylon *dies*

Saturday, May 16, 2009

2PM leader JaeBum shows off some of his muscles for a photoshoot on fashion magazine Nylon.

JaeBum said, “Usher’s six packs looks so cool and toned because he started toning them since secondary school. So I did weight training since high school, building up my body earnestly.”

“And in order to keep my body at the optimum condition, I stayed away from alcohol and cigarettes.”

source : http://sookyeong.wordpress.com/


OMO !! OMO !!*speachless !! Uri Leader is so awesome!! *dies*. Klo Jae2 dah buka2 baju., ahhhh binun dah mo comment apa wakkakaka. Gileee mskpn dia plg pendek di antara member 2PM yg laen *upss mianhe Jae2 (pdhl tingginya 174cm). Tapi jangan salah hoho ! Free style dancenya plg jago, english jg (lah iya wong dri orok tnggl di Amrik), plus dia ga hanya jago ngerap tp juga nyanyi. Keren bgt dah pokoknya !! Jae2 tuh Leader boyband usefull ke-2 mnrt gw (stlh Jiyong tntunya hehe). Ahhhhhhh Jae2 is ne of my fav member in 2PM. XD

*kwkwkw jd inget ma emak gw bu Titin. Emakkk where are u? Klo ada Xander yg Master PErjiyongan. Ada neh emak gw, Titin yg Master Per-Jaeboman =)). Dia mah dah ubek2 kemana aja tuh yah !! Ampe apal dah detail2 kecil bout Jaebom. Emak canggih dah drimuw ! *keknya kupingnya panas d hahah! PEace mak!! :))

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Fie Sang-hee ^^ signed off @ 12:25 AM

Just Stand Up !!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Various Artists - Just Stand Up

Everything will be alright, yeah

The heart is stronger
Than you think
It's like it can go
Through anything
And even when you think
It can't it finds a way
To still push on

Carrie Underwood:
You want to run away
Ain't got the patience
For the pain
And if you
Don't believe it
Look into
Your heart
The beat goes on

I'm tellin' you that

Rihanna/Miley Cyrus:
Things get better
Through whatever

If you fall
Dust it off
Don't let up

Sheryl Crow:
Don't you know
You can go
Be your own miracle

You need to know

Chorus (Sheryl Crow):
If the mind
Keeps thinking
You've had enough
But the heart
Keeps telling you
Don't give up

Sheryl Crow/Beyoncé:
Who are we to be
Wondering what is what
Don't give up
Through it all
Just stand up

It's like
We all have better days
Problems getting all up
In your face

Leona Lewis:
Just because
You go through it

Don't mean it got
To take control, no

Leona Lewis:
You ain't gotta find
No hiding place

Keyshia Cole:
Because the heart
Can beat the hate

Leona Lewis:
Don't wanna
Let your mind
Keep playin' you

Keyshia Cole:
And sayin' you
Can't go on

I'm tellin' you that

Miley Cyrus:
Things get better
Through whatever

If you fall

Miley Cyrus:
Dust if off
Don't let up

LeAnn Rimes:
Don't you know you

Natasha Bedingfield:
Can go

LeAnn Rimes:
Be your own

Natasha Bedingfield:

Carrie Underwood:
You need to know


Mary J. Blige:
You don't gotta be
A prisoner
In your mind

If you fall
Dust it off

Mary J. Blige:
You can live your life

Rihanna/Carrie Underwood:

Mary J. Blige:
Let your heart
Be your guide

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Mariah Carey:
And you will know
That you're good
If you trust in the good

Will be alright, yeah
Light up the dark
If you follow your heart

Mary J. Blige:
And it will get better

Mariah Carey:
Through whatever

(Chorus All)

You got it in you
Find it within
You got in now
Find it within now
You got in you
Find it within
You got in now
Find it within now
You got in you
Find it within
Find it within you
Find it within

Through it all
Just stand up


Hehhehe sebenernya lagu ini muncul dah lmyn lama keknya, sekitar akhir taun kemaren kah? Kwkwkw lupa !! Dan lagu ini dibawain pas Stand Up To Cancer Concert (hahaha buka Stand Up concert BB loh!). Gw jg tau lagu ini pas ntn videonya di MTV ASIA hehehe.

Overall, lagunya enak and vokal dari tiap penyanyi ga perlu diragukan, tp yg ngerusak cm satu, yaitu suara cemprenknya si Miley kckckk ! Dah keren2 yg laen, dia knp dimasukin c? *uppss ga mksd bashing

And td kebetulan pas ganti-ganti channel pindah ke Channel V, eh kebetulan PVnya ada lg !! Dan ga tau napa gw tb2 mikir aja meaning dri lagu itu apa, pdhl kmrn2 aja pas sering dgr ga prnh segitunya kwkwkw. Apa krn skrg2 ini, gw emang butuh motivation dr manapun. Mo dr orang2 terdekat or bahkan dari lirik lagu pun bisa !! YAh intinya mah jgn patah semangat !! *halah sendirinya gampang down mlulu >.<


Fie Sang-hee ^^ signed off @ 11:24 PM

돌아올지도 몰라

돌아올지도 몰라 (You Might Come Back)

[준수] 돌아올지도 몰라
넌 돌아올지도 몰라 ah
왜 돌아오지를 않아
난 이렇게 널 기다리고 있어
바보같은 나

[우영] 잊어보려고 오늘도 노력해
그럴수록 오히려 더 또렷해
네 기억들은 날 잡고 놓아주질 않아 woo yeah

[찬성] 넌 이미 떠났는데
헛된 기대만 가지고 있어
난 아직 그대론데 너무 힘든데 널 잊지 못해

[준호] (내 손 끝엔) 아직도 너의 체온이 느껴져
(내 눈가엔) 널 그리면 눈시울이 붉어져
난 못해 난 널 보내지 못해 난

[준수] 돌아올지도 몰라
넌 돌아올지도 몰라 ah
왜 돌아오지를 않아
난 이렇게 널 기다리고 있어
바보같은 나
[재범] 돌아올지도 몰라
넌 돌아올지도 몰라 ah
왜 돌아오지를 않아
난 아직도 널 기다리고 있어
돌아올지도 몰라

[닉쿤] 함께 있는 것만으로도 좋았어
(너를) 보고만 있어도 기분이 좋아서
(나는) 세상 모두를 다 (다)
가진 듯 해 그랬는데 yeah

[찬성] 넌 이미 떠났는데
헛된 기대만 가지고 있어
난 아직 그대론데 너무 힘든데 널 잊지 못해

[준호] (내 귓가엔) 아직도 네 목소리가 들려
(내 두 눈엔) 네 모습이 선명하게 보여
난 못해 난 널 보내지 못해 난

[준수] 돌아올지도 몰라 (기다릴 거야 난)
넌 돌아올지도 몰라 ah (oh 널 다시 널)
왜 돌아오지를 않아 (내게)
난 이렇게 널 기다리고 있어
바보같은 나
[재범] 돌아올지도 몰라 (널)
넌 돌아올지도 몰라 ah (돌아올 거야)
왜 돌아오지를 않아 (baby)
난 아직도 널 기다리고 있어 (이렇게 기다려)
돌아올지도 몰라

[택연] 그대 떠난 발걸음을 내게 돌릴 수 있다면
그대 지난 추억 떠올리며 날 그리고 있다면
내게 돌아와도 돼 이윤 묻지 않을게
그저 내 곁으로만 그대여 돌아와 내게 돌아와
오늘도 그댈 그리며 눈물을 훔쳤어
아무 이유없이 그냥 눈물이 흘렀어
네 빈자리가 커 네 생각이 더욱 더 깊어가
오늘도 널 떠올리며 난 바보처럼

[준수] 돌아올지도 몰라 (돌아와 줘)
(내게) 넌 돌아올지도 몰라 ah (난 눈물로 oh)
왜 돌아오지를 않아 (널 기다리는 내게로)
난 이렇게 널 (말없이) 기다리고 있어
(안돼는 걸) 바보같은 나
[재범] 돌아올지도 몰라 (그 누구도)
넌 돌아올지도 몰라 ah (널 대신할 순 없어)
왜 돌아오지를 않아 (난 이 자리에서 널 oh 널)
난 아직도 널 기다리고 있어
돌아올지도 몰라


dola oljido molla
nun dola oljido molla ah
weh dola ojileul ana
nan iluhkeh nul gidaligo issuh
babo gateun na

ijuh bolyuhgo oneuldo nolyukheh
geululsoolok ohilyuh duh ddolyut heh
ni giyukdeuleun nal jabgo no ajoojil ana, woo yeah

nun imi dduhnatneundeh
hutdwen gidehman gajigo issuh
nan ajik geudehlondeh nuhmoo himdeundeh nul itji mot heh

(neh son ggeuten) ajikdo nuh eh cheh ohni neuggyuhjyuh
(neh noon ga en) nul geulimyun noonshi ooli boolkyuhjyuh
nan mot heh nan nul bonehji mot heh nan

dola oljido molla
nun dola oljido molla ah
weh dola ojileul ana
nan iluhkeh nul gidaligo issuh
babo gateun na
dola oljido molla
nun dola oljido molla ah
weh dola ojileul ana
nan iluhkeh nul gidaligo issuh
dola oljido molla

hamggeh itneun gutmaneulodo jo as-suh
(nuhleul) bogoman issuhdo gibooni jo ahsuh
(naneun) sesang modooleul da (da)
gajin deut heh geuletneundeh yeah

nun imi dduhnatneundeh
hutdwen gidehman gajigo issuh
nan ajik geudehlondeh nuhmoo himdeundeh nul itji mot heh

(neh gwitga en) ajikdo neh moksoliga deullyuh
(neh doo nooneh) neh moseubi sunmyunghageh boyuh
nan mot heh nan nul bonehji mot heh nan

dola oljido molla (gidalil guhya nan)
nun dola oljido molla ah (oh~ nul dashi nul)
weh dola ojileul ana (nehgeh)
nan iluhkeh nul gidaligo issuh
babo gateun na
dola oljido molla (nul)
nun dola oljido molla ah (dola ol guhya)
weh dola ojileul ana (baby)
nan iluhkeh nul gidaligo issuh (iluhkeh gidalyuh)
dola oljido molla

geudeh dduhnan balguleuneul nehgeh dollil soo itdamyun
geudeh jinan choouk dduh ollimyuh nal geuligo itdamyun
nehgeh dolawado dweh iyoon mootji aneulgeh
geujuh neh gyuteuloman geudehyuh dolawa nehgeh dolawa
oneuldo geudel geulimyuh noonmooleul hoomchyussuh
amoo iyoo ubsshi geunyang noonmooli heullyuhssuh
ni binjaliga kuh ni senggaki duh ook duh gipuhga
oneuldo nul ddu olimyuh nan babo chulum

dola oljido molla (dolawa jwuh)
nun dola oljido molla ah (nan noomoollo oh)
weh dola ojileul ana (nul gidalineun nehgehlo)
nan iluhkeh nul (mal ubsshi) gidaligo issuh
(andwehneun gul) babo gateun na
dola oljido molla (geu noogoodo)
nun dola oljido molla ah (nul dehshinhal soo ubssuh)
weh dola ojileul ana (nan i jali ehsuh nul oh nul)
nan iluhkeh nul gidaligo issuh
dola oljido molla


[JS] you might come back
you might come back
why aren't you coming back
i'm waiting for you like this
like a fool

[WY] i tried to forget again today
but the more i do, it becomes more vivid
the memories of you is holding me and won't let me go, woo yeah

[CS] you've already left
but i still have useless hopes
i'm still the same, it's too hard, i can't forget you

[JH] (at the tip of my hand) i can still feel your body heat
(at the tips of my eyes) my eyelids redden as i yearn for you
i can't do it, i can't let you go

[JS] you might come back
you might come back
why aren't you coming back
i'm waiting for you like this
like a fool
[JB] you might come back
you might come back
why aren't you coming back
i'm still waiting for you
you might come back

[NK] i was happy just being together
i was happy just looking at (you)
(i) feel as i have the whole (whole) world.
it was like that.. yeah

[CS] you've already left
but i still have useless hopes
i'm still the same, it's too hard, i can't forget you

[JH] (in my ears) i can still hear your voice
(with my two eyes) i can still see your image clearly
i can't do it, i can't let you go

[JS] you might come back (i'm going to wait)
you might come back (oh~ you again, you)
why aren't you coming back (to me)
i'm waiting for you like this
like a fool
[JB] you might come back (you)
you might come back (will come back)
why aren't you coming back (baby)
i'm still waiting for you (waiting like this)
you might come back

[TC] if you can turn back those footsteps that left me
if you're yearning for me as you remember the past memories
you can come back to me, i won't ask for the reason
just come back next to me, come back to me
yearning for you again today, i wiped my tears
without any reason, the tears just flowed
the emptiness you've left is big, the thoughts of you grow deeper
thinking of you again today, like a fool

[JS] you might come back (come back)
you might come back (with my tears, oh)
why aren't you coming back (to me, who's waiting for you)
i'm waiting for you like this (without a word)
(even though it can't..) like a fool
[JB] you might come back (no one)
you might come back (can replace you)
why aren't you coming back (at this place, i'm.. oh, you..)
i'm still waiting for you
you might come back

credits to: krn lyrics: daum/mnet
romanizations/translations: crazykyootie@soompi


Huaaaaaaaaaaaa...my 2nd fav song di 2nd mini album "Time To Change". Intronya enak banget. And gw kira lagu slow.eh pas reff kesana agak2 ngebeat. Disini sprti biasa vokal Junsu and Jae2 dominan. Tp bukan berarti yg laen kagak nyanyi hoho, porsinya aja ga sbnyk mrka b2. and as usual i love the way Taec ngerapp :-x:-x. And pas td iseng buka YTnya Yana, nemu video mrka gy interview di acara "Tablo Dream Night", mrka ngebawain 3 lagu. Again,and again, 10 points and I don't know if you'll come back. /lagu ketiga gw kira tuh lagu yg ditrack 3, yg mnrt gw c biasa aja tapi ternyata mereka nyanyi "nun dola oljido molla" alias U might comeback or I don't know if you'll come back. ahhhhhhh senangnyaaaaaaa ;)). Here's the video :

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Fie Sang-hee ^^ signed off @ 12:26 AM

05.13.09 Rain has been selected as a Korean star who has an appealing six-pack

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rain has been selected as a Korean star who has an appealing six-pack

According to a recent internet survey by ‘Ongpark: The Regend’, the legitimate and real action movie, some 50% of the netizens surveyed said that they selected Rain as a Korean star who has an appealing six-pack to be placed after ‘Tony Ja’ who plays the hero in the movie.

So Ji-Seop, Kwon Sang-Woo, and Song Seung-Heon were 35.5%, 9.7%, and 4.8% respectively.

credit to esportsi.com
Brief translation by rain bird


Hohohoho klo soal sexy body mah no doubt dah Jung Jihoon mah ;)). He is perfect ! Dari ujung kepala ampe ujung kaki. Kualitas vokal pun tak perlu diragukan hohoho!!. Biarpun dia bukan termasuk tipikal cowo korea yg ganteng bgt or bahkan cantik bgt kek co2 boyband idola para abg pada umumnya, tp aura charmingnya itu lho yg unbeatable! Bkn qta ga bosen2 liatnya hahaha! Mana Bi tmbh cakepp skrggg !! Aigooo... Saranghae Bi :x :-x !!

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Fie Sang-hee ^^ signed off @ 1:21 PM

OMO !! Bi and Bigbang XD

Syalallaalaa hatiku riang dan gembira melihat 2 my fave artist in one CF. YAh mskpn cuma CF gpp lah coz kapan lg ngeliat mrka tammpil bareng hohoho. Mskpn dah bbrp kali muncul di 1 panggung dan event yg sama, tp klo ga lsh setau gw mereka blm prnh koloborasi bareng d? Di iklan ini jg sbnrnya Bi ma Bigbang tampil ma artis2 laen yg dikontrak jg ma Lotte Dept store kek Song Seung Hun de el (ga apal nama2nya hahaa), tp ttp aja senang sekali bisa liat Bi ma Bigbang XD !!!

Mudah-mudahan next time bisa duet bareng dah BB ma Bi ^^ !! Kan keren tuh !! The most awesome solo and group artist tampil bareng XD !! CAn't wait !! Hopefully can be true !! Aminn ! *pray hard

Here's the CF ^^

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Fie Sang-hee ^^ signed off @ 1:53 AM

Hukss..hukss au revoir Koreanisme pour en ce moment :(( :((

Huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... dengan berat hati untuk beberapa bulan ke depan gw harus benar2 cuti dulu dari sgala perforuman termasuk koreanisme huks2 T_T. Yah telat bgt c, hrsny dari kmrn2 gw ngelakuin hal ini, biar bnr2 fokus ngerjain proposal skripshit terkutukitu huhuhu. Yah apa mo dikata penyesalan selalu datang belakangan dan memang sekarang sudah saatnya untuk serius dan fokus coz kapan lulusnya klo begini terus huhuhu T__________T

1st ga enak bgt scara yg biasanya tiap hari OL ubek2 korea, update2 news dan dunlud skrg hrs dibatasin. Mana awalnya bonyok ngancem bwat bnr2 cabut inet huks2. PArah gimana gw mo browse2 materi scara ngetik de el pasti beragadang. Dan ujian 1st dimulai saat spidi dudul itu rusakk !! Aissshhh !! Bt bgtt!! Hikmahnya sih w mo ga moo hrs mlai membiasakan diri huhuu! adapun flash pn babe, tplelet bgtt!! browse aja lambretaanya stngh mati. Gmn dunlud ! 60mb aja masa 2 jaman !! bisaa gilaaa!!

Tp skrg mskpn spidi rusak, gw dah berusaha menahan diri agar ga tralu ubek2 forum lg! apalg niat keja dunludan huu!! bnr2 harus menguatkan dan menabahkan hati dah huks2 !! Klo ga digininiin kpn lulusnya anee! Pokoknya stlh smua skripshit ini beres! ane akan mlai menggila lg koreanisme!! Tunggu aja hahahah!*ngakak hampa*. MDh2an ane kembali dgn mbawa lappy baru dan HD ext 1 tera kwkwkwk !! *aminn*

Hukss2 jd bye2 dulu u/ smntra bwat BI, Bigbang, 2PM, 2NE, Lee Minho, SHG, de el el...*lambai2 sapu tangan


Fie Sang-hee ^^ signed off @ 12:03 AM