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Me? Just Ordinary Girl From Ordinary Life. My friends often call me Alfie.. Fie.. or Hee. .

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Kyaaaaaaaa EXcited !!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Hohoho senangnya hatiku....

Tp sekaligus deg2an jg hohoho

Senang karena akhirnya diizinkan jg pergi ke Gath RAin Indonesia di Jakarta tgl 14 des entar. Hoho setelah bersusah payah membujuk bonyok, bergadang ampe subuh ngerjain revisi proposal skripsi demi bisa sidang bulan ini sebagai kunci utama supaya dapet izin ke Jakarta, mabok baca2 buku novel terkutuk itu, fotokopian2 dkk, dan berbagai pengorbanan yg lain *start to lebay.com*semuanya ga sia2 huhuhu *mata mulai berkaca2*

Excited bgt bisa ktmu lagi ma tmen2 Bi-ers! Bergosip ria! Ntn PV2nya Bi! dan tentunya ngerampok file yang tak boleh dilewatkan sama sekali hahahaha! KArena masih banyak setumpuk file Bi yang ane belom punya :)). Sebenarnya pengen juga dateng ke Gath IH di Monas. Tp apa daya waktunya bentrok! Huhuh maafkan daku teman2 IH! Ga maksud!*lambai2 saputangan*

Deg2an juga coz klo jd sekitar tgl 22an dapet giliran sidang proposal! Duh antara yakin ga yakin! MEskpn madam Intan bilanh dah cukup bagus! Tapi teuteup aja! COz ktu ketemu rabu kemarin. madam intan ga bwa kertas revisi gw! Ujug2 aja nawarin sidang! Jiaaah seneng c! Tp takut jg! COz mana aja yg hrs diperbaiki jadinya ga tau d T_T. ALamat bakal dibantai neh pas sidang neh *air mata mulai deras*. Pasrah! PAsrah! Hrs mulai banyak2 berdoa, beribadah dan belajar neh! <= joh bru tobat sekarang.

Sutralah sekian dulu gazebo hari ini :))

C u next time....


Fie Sang-hee ^^ signed off @ 11:47 PM

Love story >.<

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

English Version of LOVE STORY

Oh Baby, There’s something
that I have to tell you ‘bout
Can’t hold it in my heart,
All this pain is breaking me down.
Thought I found my one true love,
Couldn’t show you how I feel
I was stupid, baby my pride
Wouldn’t let me be real.

I’m asking for one more chance
Didn’t know where you stand
Or what your feelings demanded from me
I pleaded your wouldn’t pass
You left me out in the rain,
When you just walked away.

This song is a story,
Of a true tragedy
I gave up my heart
I tried to give you all of me
We’ve come to the ending somehow
I don’t know what to do
But I don’t wanna forget now
I love you baby, I still love you

This is the sound of honesty
I gave up my heart
I tried to be all I could be
My heart gonna wait forever
I’m still holding on to
All of our moments together
I love you baby, I still love you

We were so much in love
Tell me now could you forget
When you were here with me but
Memories are all I have left
It seems the promises that you
Made to me were nothing
And smiling girl
But I can see you’re hurt within

I’m asking for one more chance
Baby gimme your hand
So we can both understand
This love
I pleaded your love wouldn’t pass
All the pieces of my soul
Want to live in your heart

This is the story of
A true love tragedy
I gave up my heart
I tried to give you all of me
We’ve come to the ending somehow
I don’t know what to do
But I don’t wanna forget now
I love you baby, I still love you

This is the sound of honesty
I gave up my heart
I tried to be all I could be
My heart gonna wait forever
I’m still holding on to
All of our moments together
I love you baby, I still love you

Gotta close the door
Just like you did before
See my heart is broken
Baby I can’t do it no more
Even though it hurts
I’ll make a brand new start
And lay to rest all the moments
that played with my heart

But just before I do
I gotta let you know that
No man will love you more
So baby never forget

Listen, I’m without you
All I know is right now
I love, I’ll always love you…ohhhh

This is the story of a true love tragedy
Gave up my heart
I tried to give you all of me
We’ve come to the ending somehow
I don’t know what to do
But I don’t wanna forget now
I love you baby, I still love you

This is the sound of honesty
I gave up my heart
I tried to be all I could be
My heart gonna wait forever
I’m still holding on to
All of the moments together
I love you
I will always love you, yeah
[Baby, please come back to me]

Credit :Rain Indonesia


Damn....Knp setiap denger lagu ini rasanya jleb dan dalem bgt! So meaningfull! Bi nyanyiin lagu ini dgn penuh penghayatan! apalg klo liat Pvnya pas nyanyi lagu ini!! Huhuhu keknya Bi sedih bgt! Hoho u should listen the song and watch his pv! Don't worry ga ngerti artinya coz bhs korea, coz skrg ada versi b.ingg for Asia Album! Damn gw dah keburu beli album koreannya! *pengen beli lagi T_T*

Love story! One Of my fav track in RAINISM album! Hoho ini blm sbrpa! Bnyk kejutan2 lebih dahsyat lagi dari BI ;)). Main ga sabarrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Arrrggg bi! I love u, Akjido..Saranghae !!

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Fie Sang-hee ^^ signed off @ 1:06 AM

Stresssssssss T_T

Dear My blog ^^

Gileee yah dah sebulanan lebih, gw ga posting di blog ini. Huhu maapkan daku blog!*peyuk blog*. Padahal sering ol jg, niat sudah ada, tapi apa daya sering tak mood u/ menulis sesuatu. *diteriakin blg aja males :D. Yeah mngkn saat ini adalah waktu yang tepat u/ mencurahkan hati, persaan dan uneg2 hoho...

Jujur belakangan ini mood and perasaan kacau bgt! Soal Proposal Skripsi yg tak kunjung menemukan kalimat yang tepat u/ judul, padahal intinya ttp muter2 ke lingkungan/latar sosial jg.. Tp aarrrghhhh knp gw ga bs nemu itu!! DAm..!! i'm so stupid!! Sedangkan dari revisi yg diksh madam intan, kok gw malah stuck yah! Ngerti c ngerti, tp kok susah bgt nemuin kal yg tepat pas ngetik and msh binun dengan budaya maroko dan spanypl apa yg menonjol dan tercermin di buku itu.! mslhnya gw pikir latar budaya itu cm part kecil!!..

Arrgghh gmn gw ga tambah strees coba!! sedangkan wktu smkn mepet! Tgl 14 didepan mata! Tgl 14 lah yg menjadi motivator gw bwat selesain neh bab 1-3. And yah manusia hanya bisa berencana, Tuhan yg menentukan! Gw dah pasrah bgt dah bisa datang gathering Rain Indo ga hari itu huhu! Mngkn tralu berlebihan. masa cm ke JKt doank and cm bberapa jam aja, hrs selesain bab 1-3 c? YEah gw cm mo menjalankan kwajiban gw sbg anak! Gw pengen nunjukin progres ke ortu, nunjukin klo gw sbnrnya serius kok ngerjain skripsi. Tp emang godaan malas itu dahsyat bgt T_T.

Belom lagi ada godaan dr seseorang! sbrnya godan ini ga usah ditanggapin jg gpp. Toh gw dah pernah nolak tawaran dia..(he!!! jgn berpikiran negatif dulu!). Tp entah napa kok gw jd mempertimbangkan tawaran itu yg sebetulnya ga menguntungkan gw at all. Pas chat gtu, dia jd sweet bgt! seolah2 dia serius dengan tawran itu! and itu bat gw jd mikirn dia, kangen ma dia, gundah gulana klo dia ga ol. Damn! Knp gw! pdhl dia dah pny ce! ngapain mikirin orang yg belum tentu mikri gw! Ngapain kangen ma orang yang ga kangen ma gw! Dan ngapain jg inget ma org yang cuma inget loe klo kbtulan gy ol di Ym doank. Is it worthed?

Ampe suati hari, gw dgn bodohnya ngaku gw gy kangen ma dia! PAboo! PAbo!! Gw akuin saat itu gw gy riweuh bgt! Dari revisi yg belom kelar2, pdhl deadline bsknya! ampe chat ma dia yg mengoda iman! sehingga chat itu kesannya jd memancing dan alhasil dia mnta jawaban klo ol lagi! Pabo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Segitu desperatekah gw ma co?

Sebetulnya klo blg iya gampang bgt! toh cuma di dunia maya ini! Ga akan sering ktmu mskpn sma2 Bdg! Tp gw adalah tipe klo dah suka ma seseorang, gw bakal gampang sayang ma tuh co! Nyaaaahh mending klo cowonya jelas! Ini mah ...............!! ga sebanding keknya!

Waduh sbnrnya msh banyak detail yg belom ditambah9in! Tp berhubung ane dah 5 watt dan jam sudah menunjukan pukul 01.00., tampaknya curhatnya sekian dulu..

Au revoirrrrrrrr.......


Fie Sang-hee ^^ signed off @ 12:30 AM